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Old 07-25-2013, 04:21 AM
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JandGinSD JandGinSD is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 81

It's a matter of how you are careful. Some go with condoms, dental dams, .... Others will be extremely selective, demand (repeated possibly) testing and then be okay with full abandon. We happen to be in between. The caution is there. The testing is expected, from us and our partners. In the interim, condoms make sense, as do limited play options. We really want friends anyway, so patience for play isn't disturbing. For those who can't wait? Nothing wrong with that; there are plenty of options all around for everyone. Once STD safety is established, it is full abandon, only tempered by pain and ass to anywhere else without washing up.

It doesn't have to be complicated at all as long as everyone is honest and up front with who they are and what they want. The drama enters in the exceptions, and the less common cases where folks didn't really understand themselves well enough. In the end, kissing is not only fine, but expected, as part of the play for us. It just takes time and understanding before we hit the mattress.
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