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Old 08-18-2014, 05:14 PM
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ancientone ancientone is offline
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Default Question viewed differently.

Almost seems as if the question changed. My view, from the man's perspective, has to do with what constitutes the archetype of man and woman and, collectively. Men penetrate and therefore take or, do a woman, whereas, women get penetrated and therefore want to be taken. The woman's sexuality is submissive. Feminism took too much away from a woman's archetype and yet gave them a sense of being equal. The good and the bad of feminism, as with all change is that one brings with change a part of what they were along with the change. Society calls sexually active women with more than one sexual encounter with strange men, loose, sluts or, as I like to call a woman that embraces her archetype, a cunt. The word cunt totally describes all of a woman's genitals; the labia (major and minor), the clitoris and hood, the vagina, the cervix and, given that every aspect of a woman's genitals defines the word cunt, the whole purpose of a cunt is to be taken and therefore receive the man's seed. This word whole or, wholeness embraces the archetype of a woman. A woman that society calls a slut would differ from a cunt, where cunt defines a woman becoming whole through the act of a man taking her.

This does not mean that a woman can never take control but, in for me, the preference for a woman taking control is after the man has taken what he wants. Where a woman then is still not satisfied, wants more, more cum. She is insatiable. Two great turn on's.

My wife loves to be taken and that is why she does not go after men. If they don't want her she does not want them. They must desire her enough to take her like a man is meant to take a woman; in control.

I could love a slut.
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