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I blew a young buck in the hospital
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Old 10-21-2014, 05:26 AM
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Default I blew a young buck in the hospital

I was 52 yrs old at the time. My wife was in the hospital for an extended stay (about 3 months). I would drop by and see her in the mornings after I got off work. I had finished visiting one morning and had just gotten off the elevator in the main lobby when a tall,slim cocoa colored kid went rushing by me with what I took for his mother trailing behind him.
This kid looked like any other kid in every way except for what looked like a 20 oz. ball peen hammer stretching the limits of his blue sweatpants with his hand vainly trying to hold it in check as it bounced along valiantly with hus quick stride.
As he breezed past me, he made eye contact for what seemed like a couple of seconds. That was enough for me; I quickly changed direction and followed him onto a different elevator. I had managed to stay between him and his mother,so I nonchalantly rubbed the back if my left hand against the knob of his prick."Sorry,"I muttered,and he nodded once. I thought I had pissed my pants,but decided it was precum. Still blocking his mom,I stretched up and whipered in his ear,"Do you want me help you try to tame that beast?"
About then the elevator doirs opened and he turned to the older woman on the other side of me and said;"Aunt Joan, I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick.",to which Aunt Joan cheerily replied,"Ok,sweetie,I'll see you in the roim in a few minutes. I follwed him out of the elevator and diwn a vacant hallway where we both tried every door handle we came to only to find them locked, until I happened upon a broom closet, where I beckoned him inside and qyierly closed the door.
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