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Role models - Programming (the mind) - November 5, 2014
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Old 11-05-2014, 11:15 AM
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Default Role models - Programming (the mind) - November 5, 2014

Originally Posted by mywayintermsofsex View Post
Not quite.

The "alpha males" from the old days did not even have to be strong or worry about their leadership. It was broadly socially accepted for the man to be the head of the family and for the woman to obey and make their children obey his commands, no question.

A simple task for a man to "lead" when the woman depends on him (socially and financially). IMO that`s not an indication of real capability to lead.

Also opressing is not leadership; it`s just aiming for a revolution.

It is not called that just because you call it that. i have never heard the term feminized male role model before.Men who are more female than male? Really? IMO that`s odd psychology.

First you define some "male characteristics" according to the role model of your choice and preference without taking all facets of male characteristics or behavior into account. Then you say, well, everything that differs from this defined set of characteristics is not manly. Same procedure with women. Well, that`s nothing but cliche!

And "women`s liberation" has nothing to do with it at all apart from that it is much harder for a man to be strong and lead when he is already lacking in these fields.

You say, "There are young men out there who seem to live in a fictional (fictive) world disconnected from the real world (...)"

What`s real and what`s fiction is often just a point of view. Some may say it is you, Black_Stud, who lives in a fictional world - or at least in the yester-yesterdays.

i don`t have any problems with any role models as long as roles are willingly taken by aware and consenting adults. i am pretty sure there are lots of women (and men) out there who meet your requirements very well - even today. Good luck!
Thank you for your comment.

1. In today's society males are under pressure by the "political correctness".
Therefore they have to compromise in leading roles.

2. Feminized male role model:
- The classic male role model has been replaced by men who behave (act), think more like women. Although the so-called feminized males are a very small percentage of the male population; they do have a wider reach via media outlets so younger men (boys) are influenced by them on how to behave etc.

3. There is NO problem with any role model as long the roles are willingly taken by aware and consenting "Adults".
- The point is that many young men (boys) these days spend too much time watching television; tv-shows, series, movies etc. Often they aren't aware, don't understand, can't see the difference (can't distinguish) between the various role models. Their parents (if they even have a traditional parenthood (two parents) enviroment) are often not around to spend time and take care of them (children).
The so-called feminized male role models are constantly on tv (the media).

Therefore young men (boys) are influenced daily by them without being aware, not understanding and without consent.
In other words their young minds are (more or less) being programmed.

What's real and what's fiction is often just a point of view.

- What if that point of view has been heavily / strongly influenced by the media without being aware, not understanding and without consent?
There is a (big) chance; media owners are pushing that type of programming. The amount of programming via the media (tv, movies etc) is very worrying

There are many variants of the next quote; in short: - "If you tell (repeat) a lie often enough, it becomes the truth"
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