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Old 02-02-2016, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by cpl4fun01 View Post
My wife's bull wants me to suck his cock to get him ready for my wife. I know I'm a cuck and we're supposed to do what our bull tells us to do, but I'm not really all about sucking cock. Any advice on what to do because my wife really likes this bull and I want to be able to keep watching them fuck.
I note that this is an old post. My black stud friend acquaintance, sometimes meets with couples. He tells them that he will make this the best sexual experience of the lady's life. He stares at the guy and tells him that however he needs his help.
My friend is so dominant acting and appearing that the guy almost picks up what is expected of him. The guy will have to fluff my friend, and after the guy knows his place, his job is then to just watch and fluff, if my friend wants it.
But not just any guy can pull that off.
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