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Old 07-31-2010, 03:24 PM
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irfunseeker irfunseeker is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 67

You raise a good point. Racism is part of it and I also think sexism is too. Maybe that is not a bad thing if the sexualizing of the two takes the sting out of the isms.

This is difficult stuff to discuss because my own thinking about it is not so clear. I know that I like both the porn and the fulfillment of being involved in real time BM/WF sex. The difference between the two for me is that the real time fulfillment is not devoid of feeling - porn is pretty objectified, watch it, bust the nut, then move on seldom spending time reflecting on the phenomenon. The real time encounters always draws up emotions - powerful emotions for all involved. My wife and her lovers we have all had to process these emotions together which is quite a human thing to do. The objectification evaporates in the real time situation and then you have to deal with all the underlying issues of race, sex, sexuality, status, fears, and just being human. I prefer the real time encounters over the porn. But because the real time encounters are so few and far between I will resort to the porn to help me get my rocks off. Plus I hunt for the IR cream pies.

I have been with a lot of women from all races and I found that most women of other races are like most white women I know and that is they were pretty boring when it came to sex - at least for me. I would try to discuss my sexuality with them - they did not want to hear it. Or if they did hear me through they had no fantasies of their own to reciprocate with and would then dump me for being too out there sexually. Hell I have had a couple women flat out call me sick. The very few women who I have been with who have had active sex lives/imaginations also had other issues they were dealing with - husbands, children, or emotional/psychological baggage like borderline personality disorder.

I feel very lucky being with the woman I am with now. My only issue with her is that we do not engage regular sex frequently enough nor the fantasy stuff - but when we do it is great.

Last edited by irfunseeker; 07-31-2010 at 03:36 PM..
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