01-22-2025, 12:02 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 7
They said I deserve a harem... I'm inclined to agree.
It's been uncharacteristically cold down in Florida for the last couple days. As my spouse (Duck) and I cuddled on the couch to beat the freeze, they couldn't help but notice how often my phone would buzz. We've been together for 6 years, and open for 4, so they knew I was actively seeking- and we've spoken at length about how much my the Duck enjoys having a man that's too much to handle alone. I showed them who I was talking to, and what about- not out of a desire to assuage any jealousy; but out of a desire to share every aspect of myself with the person I committed to caring for.
We talked about how much we've enjoyed the lifestyle since we started, and how my spouse loves to hear my escapades, and watch me breed my submissive partners. It wasn't long before our spirited conversation roused our partner (Bunny), who suggested that we move from the couch to the bed. We obliged, and I found myself between my two most cherished companions, my arms around their necks, and their heads resting on my chest.
The conversation picked up again, and we all discussed our particular flavor of polyamory, as well as our kinky desires. They affirmed their desire to remain as my submissive partners, as well as my life companions, but my little Duck said something that arrested my focus,
"I love being a part of your sexy little harem."
My breath was taken away. I had never considered myself as someone who ever desired a group, let alone a full harem. I looked to Bunny, and they silently nodded their agreement, while I sat- utterly confounded, in silent contemplation. Normally, I'm quite the goofy guy, and would never pass up the opportunity for a dumb little joke, but I was speechless.
I regained my composure after a brief pause, and calmly asked Duck to expand on what they had said.
I can't quote exactly, but I can paraphrase. They described my affinity for people, and the calming effect of my presence, and how they experience joy whenever they see, and hear, how I interact with people who desire stability. How I stand, how I speak, how I pursue my passions, and how I encourage others to pursue their own.
They explained that those other factors, when combined with my primal style of dominance, awakens a kind of submissive state where they're happy as long as I'm satisfied, and will do whatever they can to facilitate that satisfy.
But it's only because of how supportive I've been since we first met.
So now, I have a question:
Do all black men deserve a loyal harem? Or does that respect need to be earned?
If they deserve it, then explain why you think so.
If they must earn it, then explain how it can be earned.
I'm excited to see where the discussion goes.