02-07-2025, 05:10 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 172
Originally Posted by JamesAbrams1982
I LOVE crotch watchers lol they're THE BEST; Especially when they get caught! 😏 So I'm at work and I'm messing with a Kindle while in an elevator full of new hires and out the corner of my eye I see these two white girls at the back of the elevator whispering to each other then they both look down (obviously checking out my bulge because SWEATPANTS!) However one of them looks up and I'm looking STRAIGHT at her with a HUGE grin on my face making her face turn blood red instantly. Just then the elevator stops on our floor and I'm like "Alright this is our stop everybody out!" I purposely step aside and hole the elevator door open for everyone to get out and onto their stations. I go from station to station checking on the new hires and I notice the two white girls talking to each other and I sneak up on them just to here the one I caught say "OMG I hate you so much right now! That guy (Me) caught me looking at his cock!" I smile and say to both of them "Ladies... That's very inappropriate talk for work please sign into your stations for me thank you." Lol talk about two birds with one stone! They both jumped and blushed and were like "Yes sir! Sorry sir!" After that I couldn't help but mess with and tease them both the rest of the day! Long story short they both gave me their numbers by the end of the day. LIFE IS GOOD! 😜😈
This is exactly how it should be. It is so delicious catching what were probably innocent (looking) white girls lusting for big black cock. Would love to hear if it went further.